Divorce was unheard of, in the early years of our family in America. In the coal mining towns of Pennsylvania our Fecht and Bost women sometimes found themselves subject to arranged marriages, especially where survival seemed at stake. After a coal mining accident took the life of our ancestor Jacob Fecht (and his oldest boy Jacob a few days later) it appears that two of the girls in the family were "married off" to older coal miners. Margaret Fecht married a first cousin whose name was Bost, and Katherine married a man named Christian Leger. Both Katherine and Margaret left their husbands. Margaret went to Mexico, Missouri with her brother William Charles Fecht and secured an annulment from the Catholic Church, and remarried Eugene Sullivan.
Katherine, it appears simply ran away to Kansas with a man named Robbins. She left two of her children in Pennsylvania but brought here daughter Lulu with her. Lulu was raised by her Grandmother Margaret Bost Fecht in Mexico, Missouri.
born: 6 November, 1879
in Robbins Station, __________ Co., Pennsylvania
mother: Katherine (FECHT) (f-167)
father: Christian LEGER (f-205)
married: 20 October 1901 to Wallace J. DUNCAN (f-484)
in Mexico, Audrain County, Missouri
died: 28 February, 1963 in __________________
buried: _________ in _______ Cemetery,
in ______ Co., ______________
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