Jacob Fecht, Wm. C. Fecht, Wm. T. Fecht, Genevieve Rebbe, Kathleen Rebbe, Don Niman: p.1
John Crites, Josiah Crites, John Franklin Crites, Mildred Crites Fecht, Genevieve Fecht Rebbe, Kathleen Rebbe Niman Cass, Don Owen Niman: p.1
Don Owen Niman is the great, great grandson of Margaret (Bost) and Jacob Fecht. He is the grandson of Genevieve and Owen Rebbe. Don is the great, great grandson of Mary Ann (Secritst) and Josiah Crites.
DON OWEN NIMAN (f-69) (c-993) (B-2217114412)
Don is the second child of Kathleen and Dan Niman. He is a graduate of Stanwood High School in Washington State. In 2008, Don and his family reside in Washington State.
The numbers behind a person's name simply indicate his/her identification in the f = Fecht family, c= Crites Family, and a better system used by the Secrist Family, going back to Pennsylvania before the American Revolution.
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