The sixth child of Elizabeth Ann (Walsh) and William Charles Fecht was Lawrence Joseph Fecht (f-91), who lived his entire life in Mexico, Missouri. Called "Buck" by his brothers or "Uncle Bucky" by his nieces and nephews, Lawrence attended the same Maple Grove School that housed the education of his brothers and sisters. It is possible that Lawrence may have been named for an uncle Lorenz Feger, since the Abstract of a deed instrument recorded by J. Livingston of the Audrain County Abstract Company states: “I know that they left surviving them, their children: William T. Fecht, John D. Fecht, Frank C. Fecht, Lawrence J. Fecht, who is the same person as Lorenz J. Fecht, named as the son of William Fecht in his wish and who was one of the executioners thereof....” Lorenz Feger played a very important part in helping father William get the Fechts on their feet in Mexico, Missouri. (Deed abstract 21 June, 1947 - courtesy of Virginia O’Hanlon and Dorothy Fecht Fetterhoff)
Lawrence took his first Holy Communion in the Catholic Church on the 18th of June 1911. The priest who officiated was the Rev. John J. Dillon, Pastor of St. Brendan Church in Mexico, Missouri. He was confirmed into the Catholic Church on the 13th of May 1913. (church records, courtesy of Tom & Carl Fetterhoff 2002)
As a young man, Lawrence worked, as did his brothers, on the farmers' thrashing crews. Later in his life, he worked in a gasoline station and sold heating oil.
Note: This photograph appears to be a reversed image. Note the Diamond DX logo on his hat. When I learn enough about Photoshop, I'll correct this. Jerry
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