Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Cousins Dr. Daniel Sullivan and Gerald Fecht, taken at the Tarzana, California home of Janne and Jerry Fecht in 1995. Both men have Ph.D.s and had careers as college teachers. Dan is a professor of Chemistry at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Jerry is retired as a teacher of humanities, at Moorpark Community College in Ventura County, California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry Fecht, you wonderful guy, I've been looking for you for 30 years! It's Eric Resnick, Lorrin Resnick's younger brother.

Wow you still look the same, so young. Think of you fondly all the time, you taught me so much at Moorpark College. Great teacher, great artist, too.

Find me on MySpace: myspace.com/ericshawnauthor (Yes, still whacking away at the liberal arts).