Brendan Patrick Fecht's grandmother Katherine Shreves was among the first students to graduate from the Julliard School of Music in New York City. Students would often use Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan as a place to meet, especially in the winter when they could be warm inside.
Brendan spent last week in New York City. He took time out to visit Saint Patrick's and naturally because he is the great grandson of Elizabeth Ann Walsh Fecht, he lighted a candle at the shrine of Saint Anthony of Padua.
Jimmy Fecht (Brendan's uncle) was a Marine in WWII. He brought his little sister Genevieve a little locket, inlayed with mother of pearl. It was her pride and joy. One day. while cutting through a field of newly cut corn stocks, Genevieve lost her lock. Overwhelmed, Gen and his little brother Jerry knelt at the edge of field and asked Saint Anthony, patron saint of lost things, to help them find the locket. When Genevieve stood up, there on a fence wire was the locket. She'll be pleased to know that the center candle in Brendan's photograph got lighted for us all.
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