Chris Eisenberg an ALC Rider - The Fechts are her fans.

Brendan and Janne at the Shifting Gears Santa Barbara Ride kickoff. Brendan drove a "sweep car" to help distressed riders and ferry food and supplies. Janne and Jerry were check-in people. The coffee was terrific.

Our friend and opera lover Shawnet Sweets and Brendan at the Shifting Gears Ride kickoff. Our family loves Shawnet and will never forget her victory of the nasty hill in the middle of California called "quad buster." She's our hero.

What do you do on a Saturday morning in LA, get up at 4am and head out for Santa Monica to check riders in for their 200 mile round trip bicycle ride to Santa Barbara and back. The ride, sponsored by the terrific bicycle club called Shifting Gears, helps riders get into the shape and spirit they will need to make this summer's AIDS Lifecycle Ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
Since Brendan, Janne and I will be working as crew "roadies" for the SF-LA ride, we thought we'd get some practice getting up before dawn.