With a connection from Facebook from Scott Deimeke, we are now in touch with all three of the Deimeke Brothers. By using the labels below and the blog's index, you can access earlier entries on Bryan and Keith. I've added two new pictures of these folks in this posting, plus a great picture of all three brothers.

Scott Deimeke (click on image to enlarge)
Scott's birthday is the 15th of September. He lives in Springfield, Missouri and attended Ozarks Technical University.
Scott and his brothers are our kinsmen through this lineage:
Jacob Fecht, Wm. C. Fecht, Lawrence Fecht, Marjorie Fecht Weiberg and Janis Ann Deimeke
Patrick and Ann (Finn) Walsh, William Charles and Elizabeth Ann (Walsh) Fecht, Lawrence and Lena (Thomas) Fecht, Marjorie Fecht Weiberg and Janis Ann Deimeke

Keith Deimeke (click on image to enlarge)

Bryan Deimeke and Kacie Davis Deimeke (click on image to enlarge)

The Deimeke Brothers. Left to right: Keith, Bryan and Scott.